The Team
Eliezer Van Allen, MD - Principal Investigator
Erin Shannon, BS
Sr. Research Project Data Manager
Sr. Research Project Data Manager
Saud AlDubayan, MD
Instructor, Harvard Medical School
Saud is a board-certified clinical geneticist and computational biologist in the Center for Cancer Genetics and Prevention at DFCI. Saud obtained his Medical Doctorate degree in 2009 and has done clinical training in adult medicine at the University of Toronto as well as clinical genetics and genomics at Harvard Medical School. Saud also did postdoctoral research training in computational biology at DFCI/Broad as well as translational genomics at Harvard Clinical and Translational Academy. In addition to clinically evaluating patients with inherited cancer-predisposition syndromes, Saud is also a dedicated scientist whose research interest has focused on exploring the utility of integrative DNA-repair centered analyses of paired germline and tumor genetic and transcriptomic data for informing clinical decision making. Saud’s current research work aims to explore novel inherited and somatic genomic predictors of cancer risk, cancer progression and chemoresistance in large cohorts of cancer patients.
Instructor, Harvard Medical School
Saud is a board-certified clinical geneticist and computational biologist in the Center for Cancer Genetics and Prevention at DFCI. Saud obtained his Medical Doctorate degree in 2009 and has done clinical training in adult medicine at the University of Toronto as well as clinical genetics and genomics at Harvard Medical School. Saud also did postdoctoral research training in computational biology at DFCI/Broad as well as translational genomics at Harvard Clinical and Translational Academy. In addition to clinically evaluating patients with inherited cancer-predisposition syndromes, Saud is also a dedicated scientist whose research interest has focused on exploring the utility of integrative DNA-repair centered analyses of paired germline and tumor genetic and transcriptomic data for informing clinical decision making. Saud’s current research work aims to explore novel inherited and somatic genomic predictors of cancer risk, cancer progression and chemoresistance in large cohorts of cancer patients.
Kevin Bi, BS
Scientist II (single cell analysis)
Scientist II (single cell analysis)
Sabrina Camp, MS
Software Engineer II
Software Engineer II
Ryan Collins, PhD
Instructor, Harvard Medical School (jointly with Gusev and Haigis Labs)
Instructor, Harvard Medical School (jointly with Gusev and Haigis Labs)
Haitham Elmarakeby, PhD (Computer Science)
Instructor, Harvard Medical School
Instructor, Harvard Medical School
Noah Fields, MS
Computational Biologist
Computational Biologist
Amanda Garza, PhD
Senior Scientist
Senior Scientist
Sharon Jiang, BS, MEng
HST MD Program
HST MD Program
Claire Johnson, BS
HMS BIG PhD program
HMS BIG PhD program
Shreya Johri, BTech
HMS BBS PhD program (co-mentored with Rajpurkar Lab)
HMS BBS PhD program (co-mentored with Rajpurkar Lab)
Alexander Jordan, MD
Postdoctoral Fellow (Co-mentored with Drs. Nowak and Aguirre)
Postdoctoral Fellow (Co-mentored with Drs. Nowak and Aguirre)
Julie Karam, BS
Computational Biologist
Computational Biologist
Katelyn Li, BA
HST MD Student
HST MD Student
Gwen Miller, BA
HMS BIG PhD program
HMS BIG PhD program
Tess O'Meara, MD, MHS
Medical Oncology Fellow, Dana-Farber/Partners Cancer Care
Medical Oncology Fellow, Dana-Farber/Partners Cancer Care
Theodora Pappa, MD/PhD
BWH Endocrinology Instructor
BWH Endocrinology Instructor
Erica Pimenta, MD/PhD
Medical Oncology Fellow, Dana-Farber/Partners Cancer Care
Medical Oncology Fellow, Dana-Farber/Partners Cancer Care
Brendan Reardon, BS (Physics)
Computational Biologist
Brendan originally conducted research in astrophysics while studying physics at Brandeis University before migrating to computational biology and clinical computational oncology. His research is now motivated by the goal of improving clinical interpretation in cancer genomics, especially through integrative approaches.
Computational Biologist
Brendan originally conducted research in astrophysics while studying physics at Brandeis University before migrating to computational biology and clinical computational oncology. His research is now motivated by the goal of improving clinical interpretation in cancer genomics, especially through integrative approaches.
Ahmed Roman, PhD
Post-doctoral Fellow
Post-doctoral Fellow
Eddy Saad, MD
Post-doctoral Fellow (Co-mentored with Dr. Toni Choueiri)
Post-doctoral Fellow (Co-mentored with Dr. Toni Choueiri)
Maha Shady, BS, MEng
HMS BIG PhD program (Co-mentored with Dr. Shamil Sunyaev)
HMS BIG PhD program (Co-mentored with Dr. Shamil Sunyaev)
Parker Simpson, MS
Computational Biologist
Computational Biologist
Emma Su
Undergraduate Research Associate
Undergraduate Research Associate
Breanna Titchen, BS
HMS BBS PhD program
HMS BBS PhD program
Matías Vergara, MS
Computational Biologist
Computational Biologist
Sherin Xirenayi, BS
HMS SSQB PhD program
HMS SSQB PhD program
David Yang, MD
Instructor, Harvard Radiation Oncology Program
Instructor, Harvard Radiation Oncology Program